Soothe the Soul

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Soothe the Soul- realize and release a lot of stuck up emotions

“Soothe the soul” is a 2 hour music based workshop which helps you realize and release a lot of stuck up emotions. It is a unique workshop where you connect with yourself and your deeper emotions through songs and music.

The series of songs and musical pieces are complied together and arranged in an order that helps you deal with the chosen emotion layer by layer. The narration by the facilitator through out the workshop gives you the right push and direction to deal with your emotions.

It is a workshop which sets you free from with in, it helps you in breaking out of the shackles.

Soothe the soul has many chapters/versions, each one dealing with a different emotion ranging from pain, childhood memories, inhibitions, loss of important relationships to love, happiness, celebration and many more.

The experiences of some of the participants are shared below (names have been omitted to maintain the confidentiality of the participants):



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